Cad Cam Digital Dentistry

Metal-free digitally designed restorations are routinely done at Identity+ dental centre. Almost all our cases are now computer aided designs and milled at our lab partner in Mumbai. CAD CAM restorations are more precise, natural and biocompatible and are made from zirconia or glass ceramics. CAD CAM dentistry not only ensure long-lasting results but also provide highly esthetic restorations.

Regular Check Up iCON
Whitening ICON

Maxillofacial Prosthsis

Dr. Sharad Gupta is an expert maxillofacial prosthodontist. He has a close association with plastic, head and neck onco surgeons in and around Delhi NCR to provide rehabilitative care to head and neck cancer patients. With expertise in intra-oral prosthesis like obturators, mandibular guidance prosthesis, speech and cleft prosthesis, Dr. Sharad also does extra oral, nasal, ocular, orbital and auricular prosthesis. At Identity+, the implant-supported prosthesis in maxillofacial rehabilitation is also available.

Minimally Invasive Bonded Dentistry

Restorations at Identity+ are true nature-like and are bonded to the tooth structure using advanced adhesive technology. Thus, it helps in minimizing tooth reduction, pain, and the patient’s discomfort. Bonded restorations are closest to nature. Veneers, inlay, and onlay are preferred over more aggressive crowns at our centre. People who are looking for dental procedures with the least harm to the original tooth structure can reach out to Identity+.

Cleaning ICON
Crown and bridges ICON

Crown and bridges

People, who broke their tooth in an accidental injury or got discolored tooth due to any dental disease, don’t have to face the embarrassment of broken teeth. With the help of crown fitting, the damaged teeth got completely covered, and it does look like your original tooth. But when you lost your one or more teeth, bridge work is created spanning the gap left by missing or extracted tooth.

Single Implants

Single implants works efficiently when the person lost a single tooth and wanted to have a natural tooth in its functioning and appearance. A screw-like implant is placed into your jaw and lets it stay for to bond with the bone. After giving some time for bonding, a replacement tooth is created and fitted to the implant.

Single Implants ICON
Root Canal Treatment ICON

Root Canal Treatment

It is one of the most preferred treatments to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. As the name suggests, the nerve and pulp are removed from the root itself. The inside of the tooth get cleaned and sealed to prevent any infection in the future. Root canal treatment restores the damaged tooth by bringing it back to normal functioning.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

People who are looking for full mouth reconstruction and rehabilitation should go for this dental treatment. Using the state of the art technologies, your broken and worn teeth will be rebuild and reshape to give back you your perfect smile. The process and time depends on the current condition of your mouth. After proper examination dental professional will give your walk through of the proposed treatment and then start with it.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation ICON
Smile Design ICON

Smile Design

With the advancement in the technology, it is no longer difficult to get the uniquely ‘designed’ smile for your face. With Digital Smile Design technology, our expert will reshape your teeth according to your face structure and personality. And since we believe that your smile is your identity, we ensure that your smile makes you more confident in every aspect of your life.

Implant dentures

Moving away from ill-fitted and painful traditional dentures, implant dentures are permanent solution to your problem of missing teeth. The entire denture will be fixed on 4mm or 6mm implants, depending on the strength of the jawbone. It is far better option than removable dentures for its increased biting force and painless experience.

Implant dentures ICON
Cosmetic Surgery ICON

Cosmetic Dentistry

In cosmetic dentistry, not only your oral health will be taken care but it also ensures a beautiful bright smile. It includes bridal dentistry where the bride to be gets a aesthetically beautiful smile for her big day. Cosmetic surgery also covers inlays and onlays treatment which is to restore or repair the damaged tooth.

Dr. Sharad Gupta, BDS, MDS, is prosthodontics, smile designer & implantologist. He has almost 14 plus years teaching experience in Prosthetic Dentistry, Dental Materials, and Oral Implantology.

  • 0124-2577895 (Gurugram), 011-25126068 (Delhi)
  • 496, Sec 43, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122009
  • BE- 321, Street no-4, Hari Nagar, New Delhi - 110064



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